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This book is all about experiences in the spiritual realm. We need to learn about them because in the last days, the remnant is going to walk in them. All the spiritual experiences that we read that the patriarchs, the prophets, and the apostles experience in the bible will become very common in the last days and are readily available for all. We need to learn how to walk in them, experience them in our own personal life, and then impart them to others. This will become very prevalent in the last days. During the antichrist regime, the woman Israel will be in the wilderness for 3 ½ years. The remnant will be on the run for 3 1⁄2 years. During this time when the all-seeing eyes of the antichrist system are watching everywhere and, in all directions, hunting for the remnant. We will need to walk in the supernatural realm to survive. This book is written to create an awareness and to teach the last days remnant about these experiences. Your understanding of these experiences must be biblically sound so that when they begin to happen to you, you can know if they are from the devil or from God. It will also give you an awareness of the things of the Spirit. These rich lessons will help to guide you in your spiritual walk and stabilize your understanding about the realm of the Spirit and how you too can experience visions of God